How Liverpool have changed me; I’m living out my dream – Luis Diaz

Luis Diaz has admitted playing for Liverpool has changed him.

The Colombia forward feels he’s changed on and off the pitch since joining from Porto.

“I’d say that since being here I’ve gained in intensity and have a bit more aggression about me,” Diaz told Liverpool’s matchday programme.

“Maybe I was developing those things at Porto already because I learned an awful lot in those aspects there too. When you come over to Europe, you work a lot more on those facets of your game, being aggressive.

“I learnt a lot about making decisions too and being more relaxed when a chance comes around. I think I’ve grown both in football terms and on a personal level, and all that makes me very happy.”

About playing for Liverpool, he added: “It’s something I’m very proud of, being at such a great club as this.

“I am incredibly pleased to be here, very much at ease and really happy. I always try to enjoy every minute. I’ve got some great teammates and I play alongside some big-name players, who at one time I used to watch playing on TV.

“So for me this really is like a dream come true and let’s hope I can keep realising even more of those dreams and continue with the successes I’ve known up to now.”



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