PGMOL ‘split’ over release of VAR audio as Liverpool demand to hear conversation

The PGMOL are reportedly not unified in the decision to release the VAR audio from Luis Diaz wrongly disallowed goal for Liverpool against Tottenham.

The reds request for a copy of the VAR audio from their controversial match against Tottenham has left them split.

The Reds were left furious at the referees’ body on Saturday evening after an almighty cock-up denied them a goal from Luis Diaz.

The Colombia forward had his effort disallowed for offside after VARs Darren England and Dan Cook mistakenly thought the initial on-field decision was onside. As a result, they did not correct the huge blunder.

PGMOL admitted their mistake immediately after the match, which Liverpool lost 2-1, and confirmed that Diaz’s strike was disallowed erroneously due to a “a significant human error”. However, the Anfield side have continued to heap pressure on the referee’ body.

On Monday, they demanded a copy of the VAR audio from the incident. According to the Mail, senior figures within the PGMOL were initially split over whether it should be made public.

They are now said to be leaning towards a release of the exchange, although it is unclear when that may be due to an internal review of the incident itself. Some are believed to have felt they should ‘own’ the error by being transparent with the public, but that wasn’t the view of everyone.

Further talks will be held today on Tuesday (October 3) regarding the incident. Liverpool were understandably incensed following the PGMOL’s initial statement of apology on Saturday night, releasing a fiery retort of their own.

The statement read: “We fully accept the pressures that match officials work under but these pressures are supposed to be alleviated, not exacerbated, by the existence and implementation of VAR.

“It is therefore unsatisfactory that sufficient time was not afforded to allow the correct decision to be made and that there was no subsequent intervention.

“That such failings have already been categorised as “significant human error” is also unacceptable. Any and all outcomes should be established only by the review and with full transparency.

“This is vital for the reliability of future decision-making as it applies to all clubs with learnings being used to make improvements to processes in order to ensure this kind of situation cannot occur again.

“In the meantime, we will explore the range of options available, given the clear need for escalation and resolution.”

Aside from requesting audio of the incident, it is unclear what other options Liverpool may be exploring.



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